Herbal Mask For Face

Herbal Mask For Face

You can make simple, easy and herbal maintenance to your skin and skin care with face masks without losing time. You could revitalize and feed your skin with masks which are made of the in house materials and easy applicable.

Easy Face Mask

  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of white clay
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon molasses

Whisk egg whites until reaching blanched consistency and then add clay. Mix them all. After all, add lemon juice and molasses into the mixture and mix well. Then apply this mixture to your face. You could also apply this mask to your genital area. After waiting 10 minutes, you can clean your face with water. Finally, wipe your face with a paper towel and apply your moisturer.

Herbal Wrinkle Mask

  • 3 slices avocado
  • 5 drops almond oil

Spend avocados with blender and add almond oil into avocados. This mixture will be beneficial for wrinkles in eye around.

Tea Mask For Bags Under Eye

  • 1 teaspoon coffee
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil
  • 1 potatoe

Grate potatoe and squeeze the juice of potatoe. Mix potato juice, almond oil and coffee then put this mixture in a cloth. Brew some tea and throw blended cloth into this brewed tea. Then apply this cloth to your bags under eye with slow moving. Effects of this mixture will be seen after first usage. This application will heal your bags under eye by regular usage twice in a week.

Facial Mask for Red Spots

  • 1 teaspoon hand cream
  • 1 teaspoon corn flour
  • 1 teaspoon clay

Mix all ingredients until getting a creamy consistency. Apply this mixture to your face and wait for 10 minutes then clean your face. This mixture will heal red spots and acne on your face.

Mask Recipes for Sunspots

  • 1 drop lavender oil
  • 5 drops tea tree oil

Mix lavender and tea tree oil and apply to your skin by massaging. You can clean your skin after waiting 20 minutes. You should repeat once in a week on a regular base.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing! I’ve been struggling with acne for a while now and have been upping my water take for the past couple of days. I guess since I work out, I need more than what I was drinking. As my face begins to clear up, I will definitely be referring to this post for fading the red spots! I hope you’re having a great day so far, beauty!



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