There are many kinds of methods to remove unwanted hair on the body. You should perform these methods in a conscious way during application to remove hair, otherwise stains might emerge on the skin and you could be injured.
To remove body hair by using razor is the most practical but non-effective method in all hair removal methods. Feathers that are taken by razor, will grow more than before in a very short time. Therefore, removing hair from root method should be chosen between all hair removal methods.
Hair Removal Methods
Wax: This is one of the most preferred hair removal methods. Wax is able to remove hair from roots therefore wax is more beneficial than razor. Feathers that are taken by wax, grow thinner and poor. Regular usage of wax application will reduce hair in your body. Wax that makes allergy to some skin types, might cause redness and swelling.
Epilator Tools: You could reduce and weaken your body hair removing your hair from roots by epilator tools. Epilators are more practical tools than waxing, it simplifies hair removal process with the kinds of icy epilator which reduces pain. You should not forget to clean epilator after hair removal in epilator usage.
Laser Hair Removal: It is one of the most effective hair removal method. You can get rid of unwanted hair permanently after a few sessions. Hairs will not grow again after laser therefore it is very effective and beneficial. Hair roots are dried completely by applying laser rays in laser hair removal method. Laser hair removal application must be done in a reliable center. Laser hair removal procedure done by non-experts that can cause stains on your skin.
Natural Recipe: Squeeze 1 lemon and get juice. Add 2 teaspoons salt into lemon juice and mix all of them. Apply this mixture by cotton to your skin after hair removal. If you apply this mixture to your skin after 3 wax process, feather, in those area, will start to grow thinner and later than before. This mixture should be cleaned after waiting 2 hours in legs, 15 minutes in sensitive areas.
Thanks fot the tips 😉
Mónica Sors
You are wellcome.
Awesome tips right here 🙂
Thanks Edita.
I’ve heard so many great things about epilator tools! I’ve just been too scared to try them 🙂
Yes you are right. Therefore we need herbal solutions.
Nice post with these tips!
x Sandra
Thanks Sandra,