You can use masks made from herbal ingredients for skin cleansing. You could easily apply the masks to your skin which do not contain chemicals. You can protect your skin with natural skin cleansing masks and make it shine.
Lemon Mask For Skin Cleansing
- 5 cups water
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 1 lemon
Tight the lemon, get the lemon juice and mix lemon juice with honey. Then fill the bottle with the mixture by adding water and leave in the fridge. You can apply this mixture as mask by using a piece of cotton in every day.
Natural Cucumber Mask for Skin Cleansing
- 1 teaspoon of almond oil
- 1 Cucumber
Grate the cucumber and let it drop into the boiling water. After boiling the mixture, fFiltrate the mixture. Add almond oil into that mixture and after you could apply to your skin.
Skin Cleansing With Apple Vinegar
- Half a cup of water
- Half a tea cup apple vinegar
Mix apple vinegar and water then clean your skin using a piece cotton. It can also be used to lighten the color of your skin blemishes. Apple vinegar must be used to the skin without adding water.
Skin Cleansing Mask With Cauliflower
- 4 large cauliflower leaves
- 3 teaspoons olive oil
Place into all cauliflower with olive oil into the mixer. Spend all of them from the mixer. Apply this mixture to your skin. After waiting 15 minutes, clean your skin with warm water. Cauliflower vegetables thoroughly cleans the skin and has no side effects.