Underarm color change might be caused by a combination of multiple factors or a number of factors. Underarm is a region that is airtight region even based on human anatomy, could be darkening due to incorrect choice of clothing and skin care application.
Underarm darkening problems which marres the beauty and creates a bad look, will not be a longer problem because of the natural recipes that we recommend to you. Determine the factors that cause underarm darkening and stop these wrong application and begin to implement our natural mask as quick as possible.
What Causes Underarm Darkening?
- Using razor to remove the underarm area irritates your skin and cause darkening.
- Using often hot wax method to remove the underarm area causes darkening. Hot wax, seat causes burning thin skin and skin darkening.
- Deodorant products which are used to stop sweating and prevent bad odors, block air intake and therefore might cause skin darkening.
- Excessive sweating in underarm might cause skin darkening.
- Underarm skin darkening occurs because of weather-proof clothes block air intake during the day time.
Cure For Underarm Darkening
- 1 teaspoon apple juice
- 1 teaspoon vaseline
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
Mix and get a combination all materials as specified amount. After clean feather from your underarm, apply the mixture and wait to dry. After dry mixture, clean your underarm with lukewarm water. Then apply baby powder to avoid irritation.
Underarm Darkening Mask
- 1 tablespoon yogurt
- 1 teaspoon vinegar
- 1 teaspoon rice water
Mix all the ingredients in glass bowl. Apply the mixture to your underarm area after scouring in the bath. Wait for 15 minutes and then clean the mask from your underarm by massaging. After massage clean our skin with a plenty of water and get a clean skin. Then wipe baby powder or lemon to avoid irritation. You should make this application after each shower.
Cucumber Cure For Underarm Darkening
- 1 pinch of turmeric
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon cucumber juice
Mix all the ingredient as specified amount in above list. Apply to your underarm area. Wait 10 minutes after applying, then clean your underarm area with lukewarm water. You could get rid of the darkening problem in your underarm area applying this cure once in 5 days.
Underarm Whitening Peeling
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
- 1 lemon
- 4 teaspoons sugar
Crush sugar and get a sugar mash, then add into this mash lemon juice and turmeric. Mix well all ingredients by blender with. Clean your underarm are before applying the mixture to your skin. Wait 20 minutes and remove the mixture by rubbing with warm water. You could apply 2 times in a week.