Olive Oil Benefits For Skin

Olive oil is a natural body moisturizer that provides an effective skin care. Olive oil is one indispensable element for skin moisturizer and masks besides is highly effective in skin beauty as well as the body health.

Benefits of Olive Oil

1- Olive oil which could be applied to the skin by massage, could be applied with toghether face-lift movement preventing wrinkles.
2- The mixture of Sugar and olive oil keeps your skin softer. When you apply this mixture before make-up, your make-up will easily fit your face.
3- If you apply/place olive oil and salt mixture to your face, your face will be softer. The main reason of this is the peeling effect of the salt. During salt is removing cells from your face, olive oil makes skin care.
4- Olive oil could be used for after birth cracks. Olive oil repairs the cracked area on the body by moisturizing and fix the bad image.
5- Olive oil is also an effective moisturizer for the lips, it is applied to the lips gently in the form of placing sugar on the toothbrush.
6- Olive oil make your skin flexible by softening that look your skin more smooth. After the olive oil mask skin becomes soft and brilliant.

Olive Oil Mask For Wrinkles

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Mix lemon juice and olive oil then apply by massaging to your skin. Mask that will moisturize your skin, your wrinkles will be removed after regular usage.

Olive Oil Mask For Body

  • 1 tablespoon sea salt
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Parsley

Mix olive oil, sea salt and parsley until reaching puree consistency. Apply this mixture on your skin and massage for 20 minutes. Then you can clean your skin with water. You could repeat this mask once in a month regularly.

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